Sunday, March 9, 2008

Friends Say the Darndest Things

Sophomore year of college was my most fun year there (and somehow my best GPA at the same time). My roommate and I lived in the sorority house and we had people in our room all the time visiting and it was a bit of a social nerve center. Because our friends were (and still are) funny and smart (not to mention good-looking and all above average), they'd say some pretty hysterical things, so we started the "quote jar," and we'd write down the things they'd say, or things said to them by drunk frat boys and the other assorted characters on campus, on slips of paper and stick them in the jar and every once in a while, when we were bored, or needed cheering up, we'd draw something out of the quote jar.

I think it's time to re-start the quote jar, but relevant to my nose job. Today's quote? "What? You're getting your nose done? Why? You're so thin now." I'm not even sure where to go with that. There's non-sequitur, then there's the implication that I used to be a cow. Maybe I'm still a cow, I don't know what that has to do with my nose!

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