OK. I've about had it with these pictures with this screwed-up eye. I look like I am Quasimodo, or someone with a wandering eyeball. This picture is from today, incidentally. I shouldn't really complain; my bruises are light enough that I can cover them up pretty effectively, it's just the blood in the eye. Incidentally, when you break a blood vessel in your eye, people feel compelled to tell you about it, in case you didn't have any mirrors in your house and may have missed it. I tell complete strangers about my nose job to head off the shocked looks on their faces. No, no! I don't have leprosy, just a nose job!
So I had my first visit with Doc since the surgery yesterday. It was completely uneventful and lasted less than five minutes. He was very pleased when he walked in with how my nose looked. The second thing he said was that the blood in my eye will go away, it just takes time (yes, I've figured that out, Doc...I even creep out my doctor with my scary eyeball. The man cuts into flesh and breaks bones for a living, for crying out loud).
I asked Doc about the bump under my eye and he felt down the side of my nose and said that I actually had that bump on both sides, just one was more pronounced than the other. That was where he broke the bone. This, whatever it is, is supposed to be reabsorbed. I guess it's whatever makes bone heal?
He said that right now, my bones are sort of set, but if I were to be hit in the face with a baseball or something, it would screw up my nose, but shy of that, it's not moving, so I don't have to sleep on a pile of pillows any more. Also, I don't need to ice my nose any longer since it won't do much good at this point. I asked him when it's going to stop hurting when I touch my nose and he said that the bones should heal in a few more weeks and then it will stop hurting and just be swollen. Anyway, I don't have to go back for another two months unless anything bad happens.
In other news, I'm starting to feel flabby with all this not exercising. To tell the truth, my diet hasn't been great; last week was a succession of Easter leftovers and this week I'm just eating...stuff...that I come across--a can of she-crab soup, a grilled cheese sandwich, popcorn, just anything. A friend suggested the Perricone diet, so I might check in to that. I'm hoping I can start doing SOMEthing soon, but walking makes my nose hurt. Not so much in rubber-soled shoes, but when I'm walking down the hallway in dress shoes at the office, with every step I feel my nose going boing, boing, boing!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Post-Op Visit
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1 comment:
Time to "nip" the flabbiness in the bud before it gets out of control!!!! Can you go downstairs and use the stationary bike?
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