A wise person once said, don't complain, don't explain. Well, my readers generally ask me what the hell I'm doing if I'm not blogging. If you must know, my roommate's been out of town, so I've been luxuriating in the...luxury...that's afforded one who is once again living alone, albeit temporarily, namely, wandering around the apartment en déshabillé, reading books (just knocked off Kitchen Confidential that Carter loaned to me and started in on The Satanic Verses--by Salman Rushdie, did I have to explain that? No, I'm not going to sacrifice my roommate's cats to Beelzebub or start biting the heads off lizards), listening to Marvin Gaye as loud as I please (and dancing around, singing the Tammi Terrell parts of their duets into a hairbrush), eating peanut butter out of the jar, and generally goofing around.
I know you've all been worried sick over the last week about whether my nose has fallen off or developed some sort of grotesque deformity. You'll be happy or sad to know that all's normal. The last of the stitches (I think) came out of my nose the other day at the gym, so THAT's over with. My next visit to Doc isn't until June 9.

So, I went to see my Aunt Dee Dee and Uncle Richie last weekend and my aunt agreed that my nose looked a lot better in person than it does in photos (Aunt Dee Dee was all excited anyway, this was the first time she has
seen me since before the operation). In person, we both thought it still looked a little wide, but just from the swelling. Anyhow, the photos I'm posting today (5 weeks post-op) are my attempt at slightly better photography and I think my nose looks truer to reality in them. I'm all gussied up because I took them while I was trying on dresses for a ball I'm going to next month (yes, another one), and I thought I'd try to look a little pretty for you all.
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