Once upon a time, I worked a few cubes down from this guy whom I call "Sexual Harassment Dave." Dave was a goofball, and not in the funny, lovable sense, but more in the what-are-you-thinking sense. Dave used to do things like proposition the receptionist and send vulgar Christmas cards to the ladies in the building's hair salon. We actually didn't know about all this until after he left. Weird things he did that we knew about included writing an album's worth of songs about Princess Diana, distributing copies of the disk to everyone in the office asking for our opinions on it (I still have this in case it's ever necessary for evidence in court or can be sold to a media outlet), and blowing off a big deadline because it was his and his girlfriend's three-month anniversary.
So, anyway, I'm going to make a big deal about my one-month rhinoplasty anniversary, but I want you to know that I'm slightly embarrassed and am not trying to be Dave.
To celebrate, let's do a little retrospective for the benefit of those just tuning in and leave it at that.

Here I am at one of the last functions where I'm allowed to have an alcoholic beverage two weeks before the surgery.

March 17, T-about 20 minutes here. Wow...I can't say that's a look of confidence on my face there as I get ready to go into surgery. Ashen is, I think, the appropriate word here.

Day after surgery. Oooh...I don't miss this part one bit.

One week post op. Scary, unbandaged person.

And here we are earlier this week at four weeks. Not much different on the front view, but the profile is a bit of all right.
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