I've decided to publish the questions I get from folks where the answers would be helpful.
Dear Rhinoplasty Patient,
Can you get your nose wet now?
Yes! Now that the splint is off, I'm free to wash my nose and take a shower without worrying about it. My nose is still very delicate, though, so washing my face isn't the slapdash process it once was. The bruise makeup is heavy-duty stuff, so I VERY carefully rub my face with cold cream. I've actually found it's easier to move my head around while my hands stay stationary to avoid pressing on my nose too much. Then I VERY carefully take it off with a soft washcloth and then wash with my normal cleanser in much the same process. You can't just splash water on your face to rinse everything off because you invariably end up hitting your nose and that HURTS.
One other thing: because I'm a bad person who hates the Earth and will eventually be tried before the Hague for crimes against the environment, I have a special high-pressure shower head that I take when I move from apartment to apartment. I also removed the water regulator from it (stick it, Energy Policy Act!) Friends who come to visit say they feel like they're being blasted against the back of the shower. I like it this way. The water stream doesn't actually hurt my nose, but I read over at the MakeMeHeal.com message boards that you shouldn't have the shower hitting your nose directly, so I do try to keep my nose on the outer edge of the water, where the the PSI is weaker.
Dear Rhinoplasty Patient,
Criminy! Did they make your nose BIGGER?

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