....God made trees that bore fruit, and whaddya know, my surgery is bearing fruit today, too, and it's not just because I'm turning into a pineapple.
The day was pretty busy--aside from Dad's visit, the Purple Heart people were coming to pick up my old car and I couldn't find the title for it, Dad was going to split the cable so I had a line going to the TV in my bedroom and also hang up my new stereo, so we had to go run some errands. I was pretty grumpy today and actually yelled at a guy in the DMV parking lot who nearly hit my car...He ran away from me. I guess that's a benefit of looking like the living dead. In a story much too long and boring to recount here, I saw Peter while I was at the DMV and he didn't even want to hug me; he thought I looked like I might break. I told him it was too late, I was already broken. Stupidly, I asked him if I looked that bad--duh! Of course I do! Who says there's no such thing as a dumb question? After that, Dad and I went to WalMart for some cabling supplies. The WalMart makes me angry and annoyed on my best days, so I was ready for a nap after that little adventure.
In other fruit-related news, Mom's friend Mary sent me a fruit bouquet--check out the chocolate-covered pineapple bunny! They're adorable! And yummy!
Shari came by around 4:30 and I woke up MUCH less puffy; I'm able to smile again! Shari's a dear and she brought me the spring fashion issues of
Vogue, Elle, and InStyle. The Purple Heart towing guy came about the same time to cart the Purple Pughmobile to West Virginia. A part of my youth died today...Farewell, Purple Pughmobile! The poor car has been doing the urban equivalent of sitting on cinder blocks in the front yard...It's been taking up my assigned parking space for the last...well...a long time. I finally have my space back and hopefully someone deserving benefits.

And, aside from being less puffy, the bruises around my eyes are starting to change to yellow, and my nose is starting to open up! Mom bought some hyacinths for Easter and I think I may have actually caught a whiff of one after dinner this evening! Hmmm...God also made flowers on the third day...
1 comment:
Awww...glad to hear you're up and about!
I am so sad about the Purple Pughmobile. Sniff. Sniff.
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